Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Instagram filters sort iPhone – iculture

Instagram iPhone XL The app Instagram take photos give an artistic touch by sticking a photo filter, and then share them with the world. Through those filters do soon something good and you do not really think if you make an Instagram photo. After a while you develop quickly a preference for certain filters. In this tip we will explain to you how that favorite filters do not have to search. You can namely rank the filters so favorite filters always paramount.

Because Instagram has some decent photo filters, you can choose which filters you want to see. You do in screen filters manage “, where you can also set filters on and off, so you only see the filters that you like. Moreover, you can determine the order in which they are

. Step 1: Instagram manage filters

Instagram rank 1 If you want to rank the filters, you just have to open the list of filters. That list will appear once you have taken a photo with Instagram or if you’ve selected a photo to edit with Instagram. At the back of the list of filters you can find the “Manage” button. Press it to manage the filters

. Step 2: Order Instagram adjust filters

Instagram rank 2 Now open a long list; these are all the filters be available in Instagram. Tap a filter to turn it on or off.

If you put a filter, you will not see him longer in the filters list if you have taken a picture. Tap and drag a filter up or down to determine the order of the filters. Filters that are at the top you see first.

If you are satisfied with the selection filters and arrangement, tap the top right of the cross. The app sends you right back to the previous screen and you immediately see that the order of the filters is adapted

You can read more about the potential of Instagram in.:

  • Tips for Instagram: saving more followers, likes and more pictures
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iPad sales continue to decline, no problem for Apple – Bright

The iPad sales fell last quarter turn counterclockwise. However, Apple is now worth more than ever.

Apple sold 12.6 million iPads during the quarter, as it turned out Monday at the presentation of the figures. In the same period last year there were still 16.4 million. So the iPad sales decline compared with a year earlier already eight quarters in a row.

The iPad has to include suffer the advent of larger iPhones Apple suspects themselves. For the resurrection of the iPad, the company now hopes on the business market. It is generally assumed that Apple will launch later this year a larger iPad. Possible – Steve Jobs turning in his grave -. A stylus

New Record

Although the iPad sales once again, disappointing, the price rose Apple’s share or to a new record. That was partly due to better than expected sales of the iPhone. There were 61.2 million iPhones over the counter in the last quarter. That’s 40 percent more than a year ago and more than 3 million more than analysts had expected.

Of its total revenue of $ 58 billion, Apple has now nearly 70 percent from sales of smartphones. For the first time in history, Apple sold more iPhones in China than in the United States.

Apple Watch, Round 2 in June

Commenting on the quarterly figures Tim Cook said that Apple Watch the end of June in more countries in the market will come. Which countries, he said no again. The sales of the Watch were, according to him in the first weekend higher than expected and stocks are very limited.

Or Netherlands is the second group of countries is wait. This is often the case.

See also:

unwrapping Apple Watch on Day 1


Friday, April 24, 2015

The iPad is still a computer? – Return Label

April 24, 2015 – The iPad is not communication, but, according to Advocate General Niessen more the function of a computer. He finds the previous ruling of the Amsterdam Court incomprehensible. Does the Supreme Court this advice, and you have under the old rules of untaxed allowances and benefits provided an iPad to your employees, you will need to demonstrate that they use 90% or more business.

Under the old rules for compensation and benefits was possible to compensate a communication load or provide as business use 10% or more. Compensate for the load or providing a computer golden much stricter requirements because the business use 90% or more should be. The message “Een iPad is not a computer could read that the iPad, according to the Amsterdam Court of Appeal was not a computer but a means of communication, because the display and input capabilities were too limited for long term use as a computer.

A iPad is not primarily as a communication tool in use

The Advocate General, however, did not agree with the Court. He found that the court should have more to look at the functions of an iPad. The employee can use the iPad for communication because it it can email, call and send messages through social media. In addition, an iPad features that traditionally come with a computer such as editing photos and videos, play games, creating and giving presentations and processing texts. This concluded the Advocate General that the iPad is not primarily as a communication tool. Various studies have shown that even people use the iPad but to a limited extent as a communication tool.

Employee could also connect a wireless keyboard

The judgment of the court, according to the Advocate General, therefore, incomprehensible, because in the judgment had only looked at the office function of the iPad. There was no account of the possibility that the employee for the typing of long texts could connect a wireless keyboard on the iPad. The communication function was thus subordinated to the other functions and tasks of the iPad. Business use of the iPad was less than 90%, so it was not a tax-free provision. The example was thus, according to the Advocate General tax payable on the supply. It is now up to the Supreme Court to rule on the matter
Conclusion Attorney General, March 31, 2015, ECLI (shortened). 398

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Thursday, April 23, 2015

“New pictures compare format iPad Pro with iPad Air 2 ‘- iPhoned.nl

There are new pictures surfaced of Pro iPad covers. These show how large the expected tablet Apple compared with the handy iPad Air 2.

to see iPad Pro format pictures

The leaked pictures are taken from the French Nowhere Else, earlier pictures and information of unannounced Apple products brought out, and sometimes had to be right. The leaked images, the iPad Air 2 laid in alleged iPad Pro covers, to compare the difference in size between the two tablets.

The iPad Pro is probably equipped with a 12.2 inch screen and would 307 mm high and 222 millimeters long. It is still unclear how the new tablet is thin, though it is likely that Apple everything will do to him to be as slim as possible.

The cover displayed on the images is further shows that the design of the Pro in many ways consistent with the Air 2. There are, in the case both at the top and bottom openings available for speakers and a cutout for a Lightning- or USB c connector to the left.

What do we know about the iPad Pro

In recent months, there is something about the iPad Pro leaked, but a lot we do not know yet. It is expected that the new Apple tablet later this year will announce, though it is still unclear when exactly.

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According to earlier reports, the company wants from Cupertino with the iPad Pro give a boost to sales of iPads. In addition, the new tablet would be a lot more attractive for business people, and get a stylus. This pin would sketches users and drawings can make, what the tablet also makes a lot more interesting for users in education.

The latest news on the iPad

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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

New pictures show how big a 12-inch iPad Pro – iculture

iPad-format pro-sleeves-3 There are new pictures appeared, from which can be deduced how big a 12-inch iPad Pro is actually compared with the iPad Air 2. The pictures show covers designed for Apple’s future sample tablet. The pictures are taken from the French website Nowhere Else , who earlier pictures of unannounced Apple products brought out

In the pictures, the iPad Air see 2, in combination with covers that are intended for the iPhone Pro. The pictures clearly show how big the difference between the two tablets is. The design of the iPad Pro is in many ways similar to the current iPad Air 2.

iPad-format pro-sleeves-1

iPad-format pro-sleeves-2

Apple would with the iPad Pro particularly business users want to appeal. There is reportedly a optional stylus , allows you to create sketches and drawings. This iPad Pro immediately interesting for creative professions, such as designers and photographers

Read also:. File iPad Pro

The iPad Pro will probably get a 12.2-inch screen and has further dimensions of 30.7 x 22 2 inches. At the top and bottom would speakers are present. The big question is whether this new iPad Pro is equipped with a Lightning connector, or that Apple hereby choose the USB connection C. That connection would then reach the first side.

There has long been talk of the iPad Pro. Apple would already have had previous plans to announce the larger tablet, but gave priority to the Apple Watch. According to the latest rumors, Apple might have plans later this year to announce the iPad Pro, but it can move in again.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

The long wall with Sony Xperia Z5, 6S iPhone and iPad Pro – Open

The rumor mill in the tech world is spinning so hard that you can generate enough energy to provide it with a small country always powered. We do not do that, because we are too busy with everything indiscriminately retyping what comes out hurled. So it goes this week on the Sony Xperia Z5, which is the successor of the Sony Xperia Z4 that still does not exist. We also caught some on the iPhone and the Apple iPad Pro 6S and we saw the first pictures of LG’s new Windows Phone.

Sony Xperia Z4? High time for the Sony Xperia Z5!

Sony Xperia Z4 has frequently been mentioned in this section and there is little that we do not think we know of that extension. Then we can every week resurrect a new meaningless detail unreliable source, but that gets boring. Luckily we caught this week some whispers about another extension: Sony Xperia Z5. You heard right, the Xperia Z4 has not even officially, whether one is already talking about his successor. Who is ‘they’? A totally non-known website Android Origin sources that they want to make themselves totally unknown. Sounds legit The Sony Xperia Z5 should end in 2015 already come in three varieties:. Sony Xperia Z5 Z5 Compact and Sony Xperia Sony Xperia Z5 Ultra
What is. then the new Sony Xperia Z5? A fingerprint scanner in the Ultra version, Quad-HD displays and Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 chipset. Thus, the anonymous source. Of the one web site. We do not know. Sooo …

LG does once again a Windows Phone


Back in a far distant past. When Nokia still made smartphones, iPhones had touched cameras and we just could not get used to the new name of Microsoft’s mobile platform Windows Phone 7. That was the time that LG also made Windows Phones. The LG Optimus 7 for example. We suspect that it was not a success, because LG then threw herself on Android. If we have an anonymous tipper of tech site Neowin be believed, there will soon be about to change. They got a picture of an LG Windows Phone (or Windows 10 for Phones or how breeding nowadays too hot). That is quite the end of the story though.
Oh. No specs? No prices? No launch date? There is a logo of US carrier Verizon, so it may be that he has never been available on another network. In addition: who leaked photo I would with MS-Paint also put in a half minutes together

iPhone 6S makes end to bend gate

The iPhone 6S, that device that only about one. good 6 months may be presented, is firmer than its predecessor. It is used for the housing of Series 7000 aluminum, which is 60 percent stronger than the material which Apple is now used. Knows the to report Chinese UDN . Now the rumors of UDN knocking about as often as our opening sentences work, but this sounds more plausible best. Apple Watch also been making use of this type of aluminum. Modern racing also be made of the way.
But … that’s sturdy enough? Have you ever heard of someone that his bike is bent in his pocket? Well then …

Finally: Apple iPad Pro


hahaaa, jaaaa . There was a pause but also around the Apple iPad Pro do even rumors. Or rather, you can not even call it so wet fart. Sonny Dickson has been handed a piece of plastic in which he was told that the iPad Pro case is made by a company that has absolutely nothing to do with Apple. What can we deduce from this? That the iPad Pro gets a screen smaller than 12 inches and … well, that was it.
Cool. Thank You. I think so. Do not look at us, but thank Sonny.


apple ipad pro rumor iPhone 6s lg sony xperia z4 sony xperia z5 corridors Windows Phone


Friday, April 17, 2015

Pro-quality iPad case leaked, launch in autumn? – TechTastic

 iPad Pro 12-inch. In recent months we have different iPad Pro mockups seen and a groot number of cases, but until an official announcement is still not come and in addition we also have seen a few parts that would be suitable for the larger tablet from Apple. Last Thursday leaked again several new cases that were designed for the iPad Pro, and one of the cases is a lot gedetailleerder compared with previous cases.

The alleged iPad Pro case is the only foldable cases that made partly from a different material than plastic. The complexity of the case would be as clear can be seen, indicating that the manufacturers of these types of cases to be sure that the iPad Pro is coming this year, and therefore invest all money in luxurious case design months before the expected launch of the tablet.


Thursday, April 16, 2015

Holy iPad Pope delivers $ 30,000 on – Macworld

 ipad2, speed, space

News The Pope iPad has brought at auction more than $ 30,000. Unknown whether any sensitive data or photos on.

The auction was in Uruguay, the iPad came out of the hands of a local priest that the iPad earlier had received from His Holiness. The priest had the iPad donated to a school to raise money for the further development of local education.

The lucky buyer will get not just an iPad. No, there is a certificate of Holiness in, published by the Vatican. The iPad is also equipped with an inscription of Pope Francis, who is originally from Argentina, a neighboring country of Uruguay.

The buyer was not disclosed, as reports AFP . The auction Castells that the bidding process led, said the winning bid by telephone is done. For now, the Holy iPad is worth more than the Holy Apple-1, now being offered on eBay to bidding. Then is currently the highest bid just over $ 20,000, but that may still rise. The auction will last eight days

Below the Holy iPad with inscription (AFP photo)

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Watch Apple sells much better than the first iPad and iPhone – iCreate Magazine

The first unofficial sales of the Apple Watch seep through and dizzy numbers: 1 million copies in one day. If you compare this with the first iPad and iPhone, it appears that Apple Watch it now does much better.

Android smart watches

Earlier this week, meldden We there on day 1 every 1 million copies were ordered in America. That’s one day more than that was sold to Android smart watches throughout 2014 ( 720,000 pieces ). The usually reliable KGI analysts predict that there will be at the end of May 2.3 million copies sold.

iPhone 6

The first Internet barkers were as quick to Apple Watch figures to label as flop. “The iPhone 6 sold in the opening weekend, after all, 10 million pieces. However, that is not a fair comparison; an established name for a new product. Therefore, it is much fairer to look at how the first iPad and iPhone sold. And that picture is a lot rosier

First iPad and iPhone

The first iPad was on the opening day sold 300,000 times . That was only in America, so selling the first Apple Watch (at least on the opening day) three times as good as the first iPad. It took the iPad eventually 28 days before million units were sold; when the first iPhone it took even 74 days before this milestone

The ball is in Apple Watch

So Apple Watch sells much better than. first iPads and iPhones did and everyone knows what a successful songs that have become final. The word is now at the Apple Watch. If that really so good, indispensable and “life enriching” as Apple claims, then there is nothing the Watch in the way to be Apple’s next hit.

Editorial Coordinator and editor. As a musician much with GarageBand and iTunes. The best thing about the Mac is unscrew it.


Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Manfrotto Digital Director is the ultimate DSLR remote from an iPad – One More Thing

You may know as the maker of Manfrotto tripods for cameras, but there is more. During the audio and video exhibition NAB 2015, the company has announced the Digital Director. The adapter and app create a iPad an XL remote for DSLR cameras.

Digital Director working with DSLRs from Canon and Nikon. Besides a large viewfinder are camera settings to change through the iPad. Pictures can be uploaded or stored on the iPad.

To maintain the highest possible reliability, has been chosen for a wired connection. That may be a drawback, but the device is MFI certified so smooth operation of the line is always
Once the iPad is connected not only a viewfinder, but its settings such as exposure, ISO, shutter speed, aperture, focus, white balance, resolution and focus directly to adjust via the iPad. Photos can be sent from the app directly to an FTP server or the camera roll of the iPad. Thereafter, direct operation with Pixelmator example for iPad or another app as possible.

The price of $ 500 suggests that the Digital Director is aimed at professional photographers. There is a model for the iPad Air and iPad Air 2 , these are available from July.

 The Digital Director consists of an adapter for the tripod adapter and an iPad.

Digital Director includes a USB adapter for the camera and Lightning adapter for iPad.


Raymon settled editor at OMT, but calls himself rather editorial ninja. Also follow Twitter and weekly heard in the new TechSnacks Podcast. Lees more articles Raymon .
