As you may know, keeping Apple on Tuesday, October 22 a media event. However, this has not been confirmed by Apple itself, but by the ever reliable websites AllThingsD and 9to5mac. At this event, we expect two new Apple iPads: iPad 5 and iPad mini 2
If you currently have an iPad 2 or iPad 3 holds, then it is definitely worth the upgrade. The iPad gets 5 because a thinner, lighter design. Furthermore, the iPad will also be made smaller, but the screen remains the same size. On the inside we expect a faster 64-bit A7X processor and an 8-megapixel camera.
American website Gazelle now discovered that they are much more used iPad 2 and iPad 3 devices receive. Gazelle is a store where you your old smartphones, tablets and computer can exchange for a nice sum of money.
If you have an iPad 2 or iPad 3 have yourself, then you may want to sell while you can him. The iPad 5 will also just launched in the Netherlands, but when we do not know yet.
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