Klucht and wheels in the Dutch polder. Municipal policy usually has the level of an airy amateur society. Constant chuckle, but not because they are deliberately funny. What now? Gouda is great consternation. That’s alderman Hans van den Akker (VVD) report against Johan Weeber, the chairman of Gouda Positive. Johan has recently namely the iPad and a information of the alderman taken by accident. And because he wanted to see whose belongings were, Johan looked in there. And when he saw “accidentally” highly sensitive information, such as advice on how to deal with the alderman to the City Council during a discussion. And he broke by accident the Angry Birds records of the alderman, he placed “accidentally” text “I SUCK cock in MAZE” on the Facebook of the alderman and he sent ‘accidentally’ all troll messages to the family of the alderman. About that Johan wanted when suddenly a conversation with the mayor, but refused. And now everyone is so on the piss, does the VVD Gouda declaration and we have another great political soap to feast. Watch these guys come off together. Because come on, Gouda. Who the fuck cares? Nobody. Frankly admitted, it is no Wassenaar 23-inch gate. But as legendary is hard to surpass. This is why we find so hilarious municipal politics: their power extends no further than decide on the trash concentration in a medium-sized town, but they always pretend they are a conglomeration of Roman emperors. With all the blunders, bloopers and palms face consequences. Niveautje jungle gym during recess in kindergarten, this. You want to know why we do not get anywhere with this country? Look no further than your local politics.
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