last week released the iPad version of Launch Center Pro in the Apple App Store. The iPhone app, which has been available since June 2012, is a widely used application for automating iPhones through URL schemes, a standard that is used by many apps. URL schemes are not difficult to make, but you have the technology or by it. Hence this article, explaining the basics of URL schemes for iPad and iPhone is explained on the basis of Launch Center Pro.
You’ve probably noticed that when you’re a YouTube video trying to view your device automatically opens the YouTube app if it is installed. via Safari This is a good example of a URL scheme. With URL schemes, you can directly open apps from other apps. This way you can automate certain processes. In addition to automating and apps open, you can also exchange data between two apps with URL schemes, something Apple standard but very limited support.
How do URL schemes like?
the example of YouTube you only saw the result of a URL scheme, but not a URL scheme itself. URL schemes are left, like websites, and some parts will also be familiar to you.
on your computer Twitter visit via a browser and search for “tablet magazine you will see that the web address . The https:// point your browser to see that it is a website, and that a secure connection. The part causes the Twitter website is loaded. / search loads the search page of Twitter, and a footer? q = tablet magazine magazine tablet automatically fills in the search field.
URL is the address to search. on the Twitter site for tweets with tablet magazine in it The URL scheme for the iPhone and iPad seems very much. This is because twitter :/ / search? Query = tablet magazine . Try to open that link., But once If you open the link on the iPhone or iPad, and you have the official Twitter app installed, the Twitter app open, and it will search for tweets with tablet magazine it.
So you can see that the web address to load the Twitter website is very similar to the URL scheme to open. the Twitter website Do not worry if you do not yet understand, the above example is just to show that URL schemes not rocket science , but you will recognize certain elements. In this article, each part of URL schemes step by step, and at the end of the article you completely understand the example.
Now we start creating URL schemes. We make use of Launch Center Pro, an iPad and iPhone app which is available in the Apple App Store.
an app launch
It’s time to make. your first URL scheme To do this, open the Launch Center Pro app, and then tap the pencil top right. Now tap on the plus signs to make. Arrived at that place a URL scheme Launch Center Pro lists URL schemes actions or actions, so tap Action.
Then you can give the action a name. Enter Open Facebook in, because we are going to make a URL scheme that the Facebook app opens. If you want to try the action you should also have the Facebook app installed!. Enter now at URL fb :/ / . Tap done, and you have made your first URL scheme. Now when you tap Open Facebook, you will see that the Facebook app is opened!
URL schemes lookup
Coincidentally I knew to open a URL scheme, the Facebook app, the action should start fb :/ / . Fb is an abbreviation for Facebook, but for some applications it is the beginning of URL schemes less logical. Except that some URL schemes do not start at all logical, not every app supports the use of URL schemes. This fact should be built by the developer of the app. To see if an app use scheme via a URL is and how it should be used, you can use three ways.
Everything can be found via Google, so also URL schemes. Often the information that runs on Google stands behind, and are therefore new opportunities available. Google so I usually only last search. URL schemes in order
Luckily, the website This is a place where developers of apps the possibilities of URL schemes of their apps sites. Try searching on 8mm film app. You will see that the URL scheme for this app is a little less obvious, namely fb17098769624638 :/ / .
Launch Center Pro
Finally, you can also simply search via URL schemes Launch Center Pro. When you get to create an action button on Action Composer, you can search for apps URL schemes. When Installed Apps you can find the apps you have installed and that support URL schemes. If you have the Facebook app installed, you will also see standing here. Between Press it and fb: is automatically entered
to a particular screen
Open an app with URL schemes is fun, but it will not save much time, and is actually so a bit pointless. You can, however, go much further, such as opening a particular screen. In the example at the beginning we saw that twitter :/ / search? Query = tablet magazine is looking at tweets containing the keyword tablet magazine. The ‘search’ in the URL scheme ensures that the search screen of the Twitter app is opened.
SoCreate a new action, and enter in URL twitter :/ / search . If you try the action you see that the Twitter app opens and the app will automatically go to the search screen. The same is true for most apps. fb :/ / profile for example, opens the Facebook app and go to your profile.
addition to a display, you can load an app URL schemes with some fields already complete. In the Twitter example, you can open the new tweet screen and then automatically fill in the text. This is done by means of an input.
An input comes after the screen that needs to be opened, and starts with a question mark in order to indicate that it is an input. After the question mark, the name of the input, then comes an equal sign and then the input. Open the Twitter app, and then automatically Hello in the new tweet screen places so goes with the following code: twitter :/ / post message = Hello
Using spaces
It may happen that you want to place multiple words and spaces between words so a tweet. As with ordinary URLs can not have spaces in URL schemes places. Instead, you must encode the space. Encoding is the conversion of characters in a text format. The space is for example 20% if you encode it.
Multiple words in the new tweet screen places in Twitter you do so for example the URL scheme twitter :/ / post? message = Hello% 20wereld to use. Even when placing inputs is that it works in most apps. In Instagram you could expand the URL scheme instagram :/ / user? Username = coldplay to Coldplay Instagram account to go open rather than Instagram, searching Coldplay and then to their page go.
Multiple inputs
Some apps
multiple inputs, such as Clear, supporting an app for todo lists. The use of multiple inputs is almost the same as the use of an input. The only difference is that all the inputs except the first one, a & gain instead of a question mark.
I use the Clear app to make. shopping lists Within the Clear PP so I have the list messages. For example, to add to the list of messages, milk I use the URL scheme clearapp :/ / tastk / create? Listname = Shopping & taskname = Milk
You can see that the first input is a question mark. The second input has an ampersand instead of the question mark. Each subsequent input will also get an & character.
Unique inputs
A handy addition of Launch Center Pro URL schemes is the prompt. Prompt is a feature that opens a keypad so you can use it instead of an input that is fixed in the URL scheme. Unique input So I can for example add a new product to my shopping list, and I do not fit the entire URL scheme, but I can I want to add the product to type using the keyboard.
There are three different prompts: the standard keyboard as you are used to it, you call with [prompt] . Then there is the Fleksy keyboard, a new type of keyboard that lets you type easily. Blind This opens with [prompt fleksy] . Finally, there is the number pad, which you can enter. Phone numbers and amounts This call you with [prompt-num] .
one of the keyboards in your URL scheme to use you just have to use to call him. correct code In the earlier example of the milk was shopping in the URL scheme, now I have to replace the standard keyboard with code [prompt] . If I URL scheme used what I type on the keyboard to the list Messages added: clearapp :/ / tastk / create listname = Shopping & taskname = [prompt]
This was a brief overview of the basic use of URL schemes on the iPad using Launch Center Pro. If you have questions, leave them safely in the comments. If you like to dive deeper into URL schemes, I recommend this article to Besides MacStories blogs and pay close attention to URL schemes.
The iPad version of Launch Center Pro is the occasion of the launch temporarily available for € 4.49 in the App Store. This might be quite a lot for an app, but you will save a lot of time with it.
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