Monday, June 23, 2014

Five tips and cheats for PlunderNauts –

PlunderNauts iPhone iPad PlunderNauts is one of the latest game hits the App Store. The free game where you as a pirate plunder spaceships and builds its own fleet, climbing the App Store for half a week after it is true . In iCulture plays we describe new games today, but we put the handiest tips and tricks for the original iPhone and PlunderNauts iPad in a row.

1. Do not fall only

It is tempting to confrontations right to your opponent to go and attack him. Front side on off However, it is equally important to choose the defense. Flee to recharge your shield and then turn back hard at the enemy ship or ships. Behind a pillar stand also helps (a little) to store off attacks.

2. Invest in distance

When purchasing new parts and upgrades for your ship, it is tempting to invest. Especially in firepower You just do not stare blindly! Precisely with the previous point into consideration, so to occasionally escape and recharge specialties is useful to also invest. In long-distance lasers They come two (!) Times farther than conventional guns. So you can hit your opponent does not, but you do not.

PlunderNauts dogfights iOS

3. Five tips for equipment and Forge

The material that remains in battles and develops, you can sell for money. But there are many things more convenient to take, which are essential to be in fights better:

  • Watch every half hour for new equipment in your own store . If you went up a level, players will see that the new equipment is on your new player level. Which is often better than the ones you already have.
  • If you have equipment that falls below your current level, stop three pieces of equipment in the Forge and you get new equipment at your own level

    Combine drowsy : try the elements that you have always to be aggregated into the store – there may just suddenly recover a rare piece of armor.. Sell ​​it only when it is really nothing. Instead of loose materials, you can put all spaceships in Forge . Put your boat in a lock, the blueprints in the next, and the components in the third. Now you do not just get a new spaceship, but enhanced by yourself. You can even three spaceships in the Forge put to. A new, much better space

    Should you wait on Forge? Rinse the time on the iPhone or iPad ahead! But more on that later.

4. Antimatter savings, getting and spending

Antimatter is the premium currency in the game; you have the purple currency necessary for the better ships and equipment. A few tips:

  • store antimatter for the really big boys. Do not be tempted to buy where you play with a little bit by something even can come through your store or victories. The really good ships and specialties are expensive and antimatter is therefore more than welcome.
  • To get to a lot of gold and antimatter you play levels where your treasure chests save and take on guns and other hazards. Collect all the treasure chests second and leave you dead . The level is over, but you keep all the loot. These levels, you can keep playing. So

5. Move the time on your iPhone or iPad

It remains a faint trick and the most free games are no longer susceptible to, but PlunderNauts often (not alijd!) So though. If you’re going through your energy bar, you put the time of the iPhone or iPad forward and have full power again to resume play. After opening the game you can see the time on your device, just put it back to normal

Download:. PlunderNauts (Free, in-app purchases, universal, iOS 6.0 +)

iCulture plays and describes each day the best new games and updates for iPhone and iPad.

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