Thursday, February 5, 2015

The iPad as a family member, no matter how nice or harmful is it? –

05-02-15 15:51 pm – Source: Het Parool

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In five years time, the tablet is not to imagine become family. An iPad as babysitter, pacifier and table companion – how like / dislike / harm that is

How can you best deal with tablet terror?

☞ Media use is very fast a habit. Habitual behavior can occur within a few weeks and is difficult to unlearn again. Make arrangements so immediately as the tablet comes home and be consistent.

☞ Be not afraid of insights. If you find games on a tablet negative effects, adjust the appointments. If you find the content of the app is not okay, then throw the app off the iPad.

☞ Be strong enough to change rules and go on about the conversation. Also about what they do on the iPad. Watch it. Screen Education is more than agreements on when and not.

☞ Take your own behavior under scrutiny and only that. Want to curb the screen using your child, not even himself all the time with your smartphone or tablet in the weather. Guidelines for screen time 0-5 years see .

© Amaury Miller / Holland Height

Just a quote from the newspaper, a few weeks ago: “On Sunday morning in a typical Amsterdam family. At seven o’clock hear mom and dad patters recall stairs and then beep-beep: iPadtijd! At nine o’clock breakfast is the family. ” Beep-beep, good morning. Babysitter iPad takes the honors, but monitors!

What we should without the tablet? Suddenly he was there, the first with its magical iPad multitouch screen and handy formaatje. Cool gadget, gadget. Cold-five years later, the tablet – Acer and Asus to Microsoft and Samsung – its tentacles stretched in family life

Tablet as babysitting
Eating with. children? Tablet at the table: no bickering, screaming, ge-sssssssssst and no, you can not run around here! Camping with teenagers? Tablet for the tent and hang out but in canvas chairs. Quiet cooking without gemamamama? Tablet on the trip stair chair, still much more educational than preschool for the tube? The tablet as babysitting, as table companion, as boyfriend or pacifier.

There is nothing for kids almost magical than an iPad screen, says Patti Valkenburg, professor of youth and media at the University of Amsterdam. “There has never been a device that connects to the experiences and abilities of young children. Their fine motor skills are not developed yet, but such a touch screen, they can still operate even with fists. ” So close, nose top.

Violent games
We now live in a society where children average six hours sitting in front of a screen. Screen Going youth ‘, Valkenburg calls it in her book, because that’s more time than they are at school.

Does not necessarily have to be bad, she says. Screens, apps, they have their merits: they provide education, improve spatial skills, hand-eye coordination and problem-solving ability. Violent games can lead some children to aggression, but that media and new media in particular have negative effects on children, does not come from study.

So do not panic. Or is it? Because Sunday reports the Guardian on the internet that iPads and smartphones could damage the toddler brain. Its use could be disastrous for their social-emotional development. The article virtual rages over the world.

The Guardian piece beside the point, however, quite wrong, says Valkenburg, founder of the internationally renowned Research Youth and Media . It is not a new US study, as the author says, but the article is based on an opinion piece by three American doctors. A highly nuanced piece additionally. Valkenburg: “The word ‘brain’ does not even come in for.”

In this piece, The Good, The Bad and The Unknown in the journal Pediatrics, conclude Jenny Radesky of the Boston Medical Center and co that research into the effects of tablet and smartphone use on small children behind the developments, and that there are insufficient guidelines. “There are more questions than answers.” But they also emphasize the common sense of parents, who, after all, experience with other dominant screen. TV

A day later adjusts the Guardian article to drastically with a correction below the text . Do not panic, so. But that does not prevent the invasion of the iPad in some families regarded as problematic is experienced. “I think the kids so prevalent that I became very anti,” says Pavlina Konstantinova (42), pharmaceutical researcher and head of department at uniqure SA.

When her eldest son Rafael was seven, she received a first-generation iPad from American friends. “We found it quite cool because almost nobody in Europe had one. We soon noticed that Rafael had trouble sleeping. He had a Smurfendorp on his iPad, he was planting seeds and harvesting and was awake at night because he was afraid of missing something. We thought, maybe, but caps, he was so distracted

That interface, operation of the iPad, says Apple fan Konstantinova, is so well made, so colorful, there’s so much more. showing on than on a DS. “It’s very attractive, even for us adults. But Rafael was struggling to make the distinction between reality and virtual reality. I think that children should reach a certain age to be able to. “To the iPad

Screen Use
Remco Pijpers, youth and digital media expert at Kennisnet foundation, sees the struggle of many families with the tablet. “The thing has advantages and disadvantages and how do you find that balance? You must leave no terrifying for brain damage. You do not child abuse if you let your child touch a screen. The truth lies somewhere in the middle. Screen use itself is not bad, but it is at the expense of other things:. Interaction with parents, play, be read

According to Pijpers is important to create and teach children not always admit appointments the temptation. “And besides, you can also set an example as a parent and your child to show you how to use an iPad as a very useful source of information.

Search iPad but, say Marloes Borker (41), industrial designer and owner of and Diderick Oerlemans (45), engineer technological science. Crackling fire, sons Jonathan (9) and Daniel (7) breaking the tent. The tablet turns out to be somewhere in a corner. When their oldest was seven, she bought a second iPad on Marketplace. They started nicely with use agreements: not for five hours and up to half an hour

But after the summer vacation, “began to rub something.”. The two brothers had discovered the game Clash of Clans (barbarians, wizards, rival clans). Oerlemans: “Because they were there only for five hours, they were waiting with their friends on the couch. They wanted to do nothing more. ” Borker: “We did not notice the first time, but they were often already at six o’clock to see how it went with their villages.”

They talked to their sons about game addiction. Borker: “We said, guys, if you’re into Christmas no longer play on the iPad, you may choose a reward. They wanted us to the Efteling. And we succeeded! They went back and tinker play old games. ” Oerlemans: “And we noticed a change in behavior: they were less angry, less aggressive, less moody.”

Valuable skills
Borker and Oerlemans also had their own behavior take a closer look. Eating during the holidays and the kids do not really quiet on the iPad, which brought a new dynamic. Borker: “We went extensive chat with each other.” They have now agreed two months and then with more sober use agreements, two months off

Because they are now also not hundred percent anti become.. Oerlemans give the school children programming lessons and stressed: an iPad, you can also make things. Borker: “If our children playfully acquainted with programming, so create, I see much less evil in iPad or computer. In fact, they do valuable skills for the future along on ‘

(By: Marjolijn de Cocq).


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