Saturday, May 11, 2013

7 Things whose you did not know that it could with your iPad - - Informed Circuits

The iPad has, whether or not using apps, possibilities who do not know long all owners.

1. You home operate computer from every location on earth

You have there an app (iTeleport) for needed, but it works fantastic

2. Use You iPad as remote control of television, etc

3. Split the keyboard to able to type. More convenient Keep the button for keyboard fixed and press ‘splits’ You can also choose to place. The keyboard higher on the screen That goes with same button

4. There is a ‘prive’stand for things that other people may not know.

Go to the settings of Safari and look there at the privacy-options

5. Switching between apps to use by four fingers

6. Go to homepage go by to do with 4 fingers a squeeze movement

7. Twice spatie is a point.

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