Hoogeveen – The speech of Care Palette put iPads in the speech therapy of patients with speech and language problems. The iPads have apps in the areas of voice, speech, hearing, reading and writing disorders. They make it independent practice for the patient attractive, thus more and more practiced. This contributes to the effect of the therapy speech therapy.
The iPad is a valuable communication tool for patients with speech and language problems. “It is interactive, attractive, accessible and directly into the daily life of the patient,” says Marith Guichelaar-Kampman, speech Care Palette. “There are patients after a stroke some sounds can still speak. Through the iPad, which features voice messages, images with text, videos and stories, the patient can still make his intentions known. “
valuable additionThe iPad is a valuable addition to existing resources are used in speech therapy. The occupational therapists of Care Palette integrate the iPad in therapy. “There are patients after stroke have difficulty putting in the correct order of letters and words. Or writing with the right hand can not. With the iPad than the language and the left-handed typing trained. And patients with Parkinson’s disease work with the iPad independently the muscles in the face. Tex t, images and videos on the iPad indicate how the patient exercise to perform. “
Logopediste Marith Guichelaar-Kampman put the iPad in the speech therapy Mrs Van der Baan (Photo: Sander Drooglever)
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