Saturday, August 31, 2013

Five apps for geocaching with iPhone and iPad -

It is a special activity – geocaching. When you as a child was fond of treasure hunting, then geocaching is for you. In short: a treasure (cache) is hidden in a specific location. Based on the geographic coordinates you go looking, using a GPS receiver. Since the iPhone has a built-in receiver, this can be a good tool for this sport. Use real diehards generally moreover a real GPS receiver, due to limitations of the receiver in the phone, especially when it comes to accuracy. They will then often be the iPhone along, but especially for the use of special applications that can help solve the puzzles that are often associated with finding the right location. iCulture describes in this episode of the Holiday Special iCulture five apps – and a few tips – for more fun to your treasure hunt adventure



geocaching03 Roughly, there are three ‘communities’ where you can go for the first steps towards geocaching. The largest is which this is the official app. Open Caching is an open source platform for avid geocachers and then there – quite confusing -., which is owned by Garmin, maker of GPS receivers include has a Premium subscription, which you access more information and Premium caches. Furthermore, you can hunt at home on the computer then prepare and send to your GPS receiver (not a smartphone), so you can find the cache without internet – useful to avoid roaming charges abroad. For an in-app purchase of € 8.99 you three months Premium member, € 26.99 for a whole year. Expensive? Reasonably so, especially since there are other alternatives for the app itself and you will have to pay. Still € 8.99 Through the site you otherwise pay € 9.99 / € 29.99, which is also another shall be automatically extended. Experts in the various forums say you fine without the Premium status can, particularly if you are mainly in the Netherlands on the hunt. And for nine euro you’re on the app itself lost you a good starting point.

Based on your current location, you can immediately see the caches in the area, in a list or on a map. You can start immediately and who goes geocaching for the first time is just as easy. If you want you can also search for specific caches: by type, difficulty, terrain and size. The search results can list as an offline store, including the map. What is missing in Geocaching tools that can help you in finding specific caches (see below for more).
When you have found a cache, you can indicate this in the app. You do need to at least create a free basic account, which is highly recommended, because it’s nice to be able to store and display. Possible later to other cachers have found caches You can also leave a comment, the 2000s version of the entry in the log.

Download: Geocaching (€ 8.99, universal, iOS 5.0 +)

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Open Caching

opencaching01 As mentioned, the domain name and associated app OpenCaching are the property of Garmin. This is unfortunate, because there is also the open source project and especially for a beginner it will be difficult to realize that they have nothing to do with each other.
Open Caching is an app that is largely similar to Geocaching. Based on your current location or a search you get to see. Caches nearby With zoom the map you increase the search range. It is immediately clear that Open Caching in the neighboring countries is a lot more popular than in the Netherlands. Although the app works fine, we would also definitely recommend for Dutch Geocaching treasure hunters. To be clear: both communities use separate databases for caching , so with OpenCaching you see any caches that are registered with Geocaching and vice versa. You can create a free account that allows you to keep the caches found also in the app from Garmin leave comments etc. If you search using the app, you can disable the cache of the traditional map with your current location and the endpoint , a compass, which makes it just a little more exciting, because you only see the direction where to go.

Download: Open Caching (free, iPhone, iOS 4.0 +)

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Geo Bucket

Geo Bucket is a free alternative to the Geocaching app. You have to give the app permission to access your account at Geocaching. The app shows ads, you can have them removed for € 3.59. The app is fairly basic and not very intuitive. Do you use a third-party app, you can as Basic member only 3 full descriptions request per 24 hours. This information is very deep hiding and get tricky. Above water You must be a cache click, right click on the arrow for more information and then ‘refresh data’. Not very logical, but it seems that this is especially a problem with the Geocaching Live API that makes available to third parties, apparently as ‘live’, but actively change required.
The app itself does Geocaching Moreover, not hard on the entire cache information, even though we only Basic member. For the ultimate treasure hunt makes Geo Bucket using an external navigation app, you can set yourself. By default, the app set to Google, which causes problems since Google has its own app Geo Bucket and automatically goes to the web version of Maps. You can set it to be better than Apple Maps, TomTom Navigon or if you have installed that. Is pity that the result is that you will be navigated, though that does not mean that you therefore have found him right course.

directly to the cache

Download: Geo Bucket (free with ads, without ads € 3.59, universal, iOS 5.0 +)

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geosphere01 Also Geosphere is an app for Geocaching extensive network. The app looks and feels a lot better than directly Geo Bucket, but of course has the same limitations: only 3 caches every 24 hours with only the ‘traditional’ type: a box or houdertje is hidden and when you find it, let your name behind in the log that’s in it. Other types of caches example puzzle caches – then you have to solve a code to find the coordinates – or multi-caches – the first reference gives you the coordinates of the next and so on until you get to the actual ‘treasure’ is <. br /> Geosphere can save directly make contact with Geocaching also read files with cache information. This is also a link with Dropbox possible. Did you set the cache you can with Geosphere also easily switch between compass, map and the cache description. Although Geosphere so is fairly limited if you only have a basic account with Geocaching, ask the makers still € 6.99 for the app. Nice extra is that you can use as a flashlight when looking at the location of the cache.

flash the iPhone

Download: Geosphere (€ 6.99, iPhone, iOS 5.0 +)

geosphere02 geosphere03


an app of a different kind is GCTools. It’s no app to find caches itself but a tool for deciphering puzzle caches. In geocaching course is all about the geographical coordinates. In puzzle caches are often encrypted coordinates in different codes in the description. The coordinates listed in the cache are ‘fake’, although there are rules for how much they may differ from the actual location of the cache. GCTools offers a hefty amount aids in deciphering the codes. For example, there cacher that make use of time-honored encodings as ROT13, morse or other conversions. But there are also many inventive methods for encrypting the coordinates. So you’ll cases against the RGB codes for colors, the periodic table and even the color coding of electrical resistors. GCTools has them all. For some ontcijferhulpjes must do an additional in-app purchase. Once you’ve found the coordinates, you can enter them in the compass and start looking. If additional GCTools also the possibility to use the flash. The phone as a flashlight The app looks pretty basic, but offers many possibilities.

Download: GCTools (Free, iPhone, iOS 4.3 +) There is also a separate version for iOS 4 and below


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Other geocaching apps

  • GeoHunt (free, universal, iOS 6.0 +) – Very different way of treasure hunting. Find an ending location-based questions and commands between locations. Also playing with a folder-only variant, which you do not need from the door.
  • IGCT Geocaching Toolkit Pro (€ 1.79, iPhone, iOS 4.2 +) – Handy tools for geocaching, GCTools similar to, but less extensive. Looks graphic or pretty.
  • Looking4Cache Pro (€ 7.99, universal, iOS 5.0 +) – Also an app that uses the Geocaching Live API. Can use offline maps. There is also a free version, in which the cards can not be saved.
  • local
This article is part of the iCulture Holiday Special. In the other episodes you can find more great tips on holiday and at home nice to be busy.

Opening Image: Martyn Wright via Flickr CC


Scouter for iPhone and iPad apps will run on a different screen -

Scouter hand Sometimes we see initiatives that matters so daring and innovative approaches that we think,” Will they succeed “Scouter is a good example? of. The app is not yet ready and available, but the authors explain what they are planning. In word and moving image is to paintings done what the Scouter app for iPhone and iPad all has to offer. The most eye-catching feature is working with multiple windows on the same iPhone or iPad screen. Multitasking in a better way than it is now done so. As mentioned Scouter is a promise and no actual product that is now available, but it is an initiative to keep an eye on. Michael Gundlach, creator of AdBlock is an advisor to the company behind the new service.

Whether Apple will be happy if all plans Scouter succeed, which is still to be seen. The functionality promises such a different experience than is possible in iOS 7 that it seems a different operating system. Start your Scouter on, you can run different modules simultaneously. For example, consider a page in the web browser, while the other half of the screen used to make notes. Or play a video at the top of your iPhone and make a movie while you use the bottom of the screen as a viewfinder.

makers themselves say a long way to be with this new form of multitasking on the way but can not promise that all the features are shown in the video actually end up in the final product. For example, it seems unlikely that you can make in this app. Use of iMessage As mentioned are special modules that Scouter builds. For example, the browser has been designed. Scouter itself This also blocks ads. The modules will be launched within the app. You can active modules close and resize the window. It is envisaged that other appbouwers eventually make their appropriate software to function. Module as in Scouter Production was initially only starts if there appeared to be enough. Interest notifications via e-mail Meanwhile, plans for iPhone and iPad proved popular enough and the production in full swing.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Grandparents develop iPad app - Nutech

Two grandparents have developed an iPad app that parents and children can bring, for example, Skype can.

more together

, reports Mashable. Charlie and Mary Girsch, who have six children and grandchildren, have an iPad app that made it easy to communicate and more features for parents, children or friends than as Skype.

According to the American couple was latter software limited and they wanted more interaction to communicate with the family better. Therefore they developed FamZoom.

The app is according to the Girsch ‘a child-friendly app that allows you to simultaneously talk, chat, play games, draw, or shopping. What happens on one device, immediately going on on the other.

Besides the motivation to families with the app closer to each other, the couple will also help sick children in hospitals with FamZoom. Before they entered into a partnership with the Ronald McDonald House to retrieve. Totaling $ 12,000 through crowdfunding site IndieGoGo By this they buy iPads for local McDonald Houses in Denver and Tampa. Meanwhile, the counter at $ 10,000.

The app has been submitted and is awaiting approval for acceptance in the App Store.

By: / Dennis Mons

Traditional group is out, arrange themselves with iPad's - Volkskrant

By: Gerard Reijn – 08/30/13, 09:06

think stock.

The bankruptcy of travel agents Baobab is not only the result of the recession, but also from the Internet. “Young people go traveling with an iPad in your pocket and on arrival everything yourself.”

  • ‘In the past two weeks to Peru was very adventurous, even if you went with a group

    Gert Nieuwboer, director SNP

“In the countries of the Orinoco and Amazon you get into conversation with Indians, you’ll stay at cowboys, share a beer with the River residents in Manaus and you wander through colonial and colorful cities. ‘

Recruitment Text
Really a recruitment text for a tour of the firm Baobab, pioneer and leader in exotic tours forty years. Baobab focused on people who did not want to lie on a beach and did not want to spend the museums in large cities. Their time In people who sought adventure and authentic. But since Thursday Baobab is bankrupt. Like sister company Summum. Thursday afternoon was declared bankrupt, after the company previously had to do the Travel Compensation Fund SGR

an appeal in 1972 bought Rik Jan Viezee a bus, and traveled with a group of Dutch months through Africa. Baobab was born. Decades was the successful formula. Who wanted adventure, but was not an adventurer, could at Baobab go.

The GSC Viezee told that the demise of Baobab and Summum are caused by persistent recession. That seems to be correct, because the Permanent Vacation Monitor TNS / NIPO finds that the number of holidays in the first half of 2013 has decreased.

for the first time But there’s more to it. The traveler is not to poke the traditional exotic group. Gert Nieuwboer, director of travel company SNP, also grew up with a similar formula, has seen it happen. ‘In the past two weeks to Peru was very adventurous, even if you went there with a group going. But now there is internet. Now young people there with an iPad in your pocket and arrange them on the spot everything yourself. “

This trend was u sed previously. Nieuwboer: “We noticed twenty years ago that many people wanted more individual travel. There we found formulas. That was not so hard. We asked ourselves: we would like to book a trip in itself. And our answer was no. We wanted more freedom, more individual travel. There we developed a formula for. I have the impression that Baobab his formula has never changed. “Very

trip to Brazil, for example, with which this article begins, lasts 24 days, with around 15 men. The formula which SNP now the bulk of the revenue comes, is more flexible and individualized. The agency regulates the nights, provides travel routes for walkers and cyclists and bring the luggage to the next place. But the traveler goes his own way. “With this formula we get two-thirds of our turnover. With the classic third group yet. “

Another competitor Baobab is Herman van der Velde, founder of travel company Djoser. It was originally an Egyptian specialist – Van der Velde Egyptologist from home – but now offers tours to forty countries. Van der Velde sold Djoser in 2005, but has bought back again this spring. Or there is no future in adventure tours? “If that was so, I do not repurchased Djoser? Group tours for us still the most important, but we build as much freedom in our concepts. Three weeks wit h a group of Dutch travelers behind a Dutch tour guide and evenings together eating beef stroganoff, that nobody wants anymore. ” And that the recession is not merciless? “We have a good summer.” SNP also says “black numbers” to write.

New concept
Nieuwboer SNP will soon release a new concept in the market. Yes, a group. But not Dutch, but for an international company. Yomads, the trips are called, derived from Young Nomads. “People still want to group tours, but with an international company.”

So does the Dutch company together with travel agencies in countries where English is spoken, because the company must be able to understand each other. Course “Then everyone flies to Lima, for example, and there begins our journey. It will also last for weeks, but much shorter. ” With this formula he targets twenties, which until now were only moderately achieved and thirties. The first trips are planned next year.

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Traditional group is out, arrange themselves with iPad's - Volkskrant

By: Gerard Reijn – 08/30/13, 09:06

think stock.

The bankruptcy of travel agents Baobab is not only the result of the recession, but also from the Internet. “Young people go traveling with an iPad in your pocket and on arrival everything yourself.”

  • ‘In the past two weeks to Peru was very adventurous, even if you went with a group

    Gert Nieuwboer, director SNP

“In the countries of the Orinoco and Amazon you get into conversation with Indians, you’ll stay at cowboys, share a beer with the River residents in Manaus and you wander through colonial and colorful cities. ‘

Recruitment Text
Really a recruitment text for a tour of the firm Baobab, pioneer and leader in exotic tours forty years. Baobab focused on people who did not want to lie on a beach and did not want to spend the museums in large cities. Their time In people who sought adventure and authentic. But since Thursday Baobab is bankrupt. Like sister company Summum. Thursday afternoon was declared bankrupt, after the company previously had to do the Travel Compensation Fund SGR

an appeal in 1972 bought Rik Jan Viezee a bus, and traveled with a group of Dutch months through Africa. Baobab was born. Decades was the successful formula. Who wanted adventure, but was not an adventurer, could at Baobab go.

The GSC Viezee told that the demise of Baobab and Summum are caused by persistent recession. That seems to be correct, because the Permanent Vacation Monitor TNS / NIPO finds that the number of holidays in the first half of 2013 has decreased.

for the first time But there’s more to it. The traveler is not to poke the traditional exotic group. Gert Nieuwboer, director of travel company SNP, also grew up with a similar formula, has seen it happen. ‘In the past two weeks to Peru was very adventurous, even if you went there with a group going. But now there is internet. Now young people there with an iPad in your pocket and arrange them on the spot everything yourself. “

This trend was u sed previously. Nieuwboer: “We noticed twenty years ago that many people wanted more individual travel. There we found formulas. That was not so hard. We asked ourselves: we would like to book a trip in itself. And our answer was no. We wanted more freedom, more individual travel. There we developed a formula for. I have the impression that Baobab his formula has never changed. “Very

trip to Brazil, for example, with which this article begins, lasts 24 days, with around 15 men. The formula which SNP now the bulk of the revenue comes, is more flexible and individualized. The agency regulates the nights, provides travel routes for walkers and cyclists and bring the luggage to the next place. But the traveler goes his own way. “With this formula we get two-thirds of our turnover. With the classic third group yet. “

Another competitor Baobab is Herman van der Velde, founder of travel company Djoser. It was originally an Egyptian specialist – Van der Velde Egyptologist from home – but now offers tours to forty countries. Van der Velde sold Djoser in 2005, but has bought back again this spring. Or there is no future in adventure tours? “If that was so, I do not repurchased Djoser? Group tours for us still the most important, but we build as much freedom in our concepts. Three weeks wit h a group of Dutch travelers behind a Dutch tour guide and evenings together eating beef stroganoff, that nobody wants anymore. ” And that the recession is not merciless? “We have a good summer.” SNP also says “black numbers” to write.

New concept
Nieuwboer SNP will soon release a new concept in the market. Yes, a group. But not Dutch, but for an international company. Yomads, the trips are called, derived from Young Nomads. “People still want to group tours, but with an international company.”

So does the Dutch company together with travel agencies in countries where English is spoken, because the company must be able to understand each other. Course “Then everyone flies to Lima, for example, and there begins our journey. It will also last for weeks, but much shorter. ” With this formula he targets twenties, which until now were only moderately achieved and thirties. The first trips are planned next year.

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Hawaiian Airlines aircraft rests with iPad Minis - Nutech

Hawaiian Airlines is fourteen aircraft equip with iPad Mini’s instead of the traditional entertainment.

That let the airline know.


Boeing 767-300 aircraft will be provided with 1500′s iPad Mini. The tablets are available in business class. Passengers in economy class have to pay $ 15 when they book a flight and iPad for $ 17 if they want to hire.

on board

the iPads will be loaded to 100 hours of movies and series and passengers can also play games. new entertainment are offered on flights between Hawaii and the United States, Hawaii and Asia and Oceania and Hawaii.

Gadgets and Internet are becoming more common on aircraft. Personal electronics are often not allowed during certain parts of the flight, although several supervisors or the rules for the use of phones and tablets can be relaxed.

during flight

Read more about the tests of KLM with wifi on airplanes

When the rules surrounding electronics relaxed?

By: / Colin Angle

Japanese Vermeer painting work on iPad - NOS

Video A Japanese part-time artist has invented something by a lack of time to carry out his hobby: painting on his iPad. On his way to work he makes paintings like “Girl with a Pearl Earring” by Johannes Vermeer.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Hawaiian Airlines aircraft rests with iPad Minis -

Photo: Bloomberg

That let the airline know.


Boeing 767-300 aircraft will be provided with 1500′s iPad Mini. The tablets are available in business class. Passengers in economy class have to pay $ 15 when they book a flight and iPad for $ 17 if they want to hire.

on board

the iPads will be charged 100 hours of movies and series, and passengers can also play games. new entertainment are offered on flights between Hawaii and the United States, Hawaii and Asia and Oceania and Hawaii.

Gadgets and Internet are becoming more common on aircraft. Personal electronics are often not allowed during certain parts of the flight, although several supervisors or the rules for the use of phones and tablets can be relaxed.

during flight

Read more about the tests of KLM with wifi on airplanes

When the rules surrounding electronics relaxed?

Access Parallels desktop software makes iPad-friendly -

Summary: Parallels Access to iPad Users Mac and Windows software on their tablet use in an interface adapted to the touch screen


Parallels has launched an app that allows you to run. software for Windows and Mac on the iPad Moreover Parallels Access adds the necessary tweaks to make the touch screen.

the software more suitable

Access streaming software from your computer to the iPad over a network. This may be via wifi and 3G, but wifi is recommended for a more stable connection. While the app is active, can not work on the computer.

programs are collected in a launcher on the tablet, from which you can boot. them on the full screen Access differs from similar apps such as Splashtop, adding that the use of the desktop software to simplify.

on a touch screen by a number of functionalities

read this

App Store gets separate kidscategorie

App Store gets kids separate category

The app supports include the typical touches and sweeping movements, and is equipped with a magnifying glass to enlarge. small parts of the interface Users can exchange information via a menu bar between running programs, and text and image can be copied to other apps on the iPad.

Parallels Access available for all models of the iPad, including the iPad Mini, running iOS 6. On the desktop side app compatible with Mac OS X 10.7 Lion and later, and Windows 7 or Windows 8. Although the app is free, you have to purchase a subscription to the service after a trial period of 14 days. It costs 69.99 euro per year, per computer that connects you to the app.

Read more about: news, app, download, mobile, tablet, apple, ipad, parallels, parallels access, desktop, software



Dries Cludts

Dries Cludts is the most versatile ZDNet employee. He selects news that you absolutely must read and make sure you can read it. His interests are social media, internet and everything mobile.

Imo messenger: now free video calling on iPhone and iPad -

Imo iPhone iPad messenger Three years later, adding a feature that the whole app throws a different approach. That’s what Imo messenger did. The application available from October 2010 has long been an overarching chatapp which could exchange in MSN, Facebook Chat, Hyves, Google Talk and ICQ. Your text messages That could still happen, but now it’s an app where you can make free calls and video calls with friends. You can also unknown fellow users of the application call or video call, but that requires communication points .

If you are unfamiliar people want to access that themselves have made public via the broadcast function of the app, we are working with communication points that have been introduced to ‘junk calls’ counter. according Imo messenger But you get the point by closing for 4.49 euros which you does not poach commercials. A Premium subscription for a year off The app delivers often use points. Video calling with a stranger is as expensive as calls without image and communication cost as much as 300 points. Much more than sharing a location (30), send an audio message (30) or another person to chat add (1). You can find all call options with the right button in a chat.

Imo messenger video calling screenshot Imo messenger broadcast function

If you want to create for unknown users on Imo messenger and broadcast public wants to broadcast yourself containing your message, you can get those from the last update also share on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. Finally merged into fresh 3.8 of the iPhone app iPhone and iPad version of the app. Imo messenger is no longer available as a separate app for the iPad.

Download: Imo messenger (free, universal, iOS 4.3 +)

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Apple looking plastic expert for iPhone and iPad team -

iPhone 5C youtube blue Although there are a lot of potential iPhone 5C parts are leaked, Apple has still not iPhone 5C announced. It is also interesting that Apple says in a new job to be looking for a plastics material engineer ‘for iPhone and iPad team. These plastic expert will deal with the design of plastic parts iDevice. Apple would ever have about the plastic casing of the iPhone probably 5C. Although current iPhones have enough plastic parts, please notify Apple in the job description to be concerned with the design of the plastic device.

The job was posted on August 27 on the official Apple site. Presumably, the engineer enga ged in iterations on the already designed iPhone 5C, provided on 10 September Apple will announce the new iPhone. If the plastic iPhone for one reason or another is not disclosed, that would indicate the new job out that there probably is considered.

to the possibility

iPhone 5C is said to be a cheaper iPhone, in terms of price between iPhone 4S and iPhone 5S will sit. The exact specifications for the iPhone 5C are not yet known, but it seems that once again a 4-inch screen will be used. The back is made of plastic and is available in multiple colors. Besides iPhone 5C Apple will probably also announce the iPhone 5S.

Via 9to5Mac.

Read more about iPhone 5C in our file:. 5C iPhone

Survive a long drive with your iPhone or iPad -

Ride Holiday Special It’s no fun with screaming children and a smoking engine be shown here if you were planning to relax. two weeks in an endless file But if you leave less hectic days, a journey especially for passengers take quite long. So does a trip to Paris or Berlin you soon about six hours. That car-hours are a lot more bearable with your iPhone or iPad. You can kill a lot of time with fun games, puzzle books, e-books or movies. Course In this holiday special iCulture we give you some tips to survive.

such a long journey

Safe and secure

iphone holder car Thanks to their versatility, iPads and iPhones almost everything on-board computers and satellite navigation is also possible with the latest generation. But iPad on his lap holding makes it ride to the Dordogne far from safe. So, Securing that stuff! For a few bucks you shop for a simple car holder. Most variants are easy to attach with a suction cup to the window, and attach other variants are the front grille. Some more robust tablet containers with a so-called swan neck. This screw on tight to the nut that also holds the seat in place and offers a lot more freedom of movement for your device, so it is easy to operate by the passenger. For self go tapping the tablet is not on ly less safe, but in countries such as Spain even prohibited. This also applies for driving set the navigation system.

your own radio station

griffin road trip No sense in unintelligible chatter on Spanish radio, but rather your own music in the car? An FM transmitter like the Griffin RoadTrip works as a transmitter and converts the signal from the iPod, iPhone, iPad or another music to radio waves. These radio waves then pluck out of the air with your car radio. Other than a few years ago, the use of these FM transmitters in most countries tolerated nowadays. Rather take any chances? Many car stereos have a built-in Bluetooth feature that is linking to your device. And who has a car radio with cassette deck, take a cassette tape adapter like the Caliber PMT 050 Media Markt (€ 13.99).

Power save

tomtom charger Whether you’re a brand new iPhone 5 have or an older iPhone 4: the battery life of your iPhone should always longer. Do you have a great journey ahead? Save then flow through the brightness of the screen screws (Settings> Brightness & Wallpaper), lock at times when you do not use your device to turn off (Settings> Notifications), to do with location services notifications from the same screen (Settings> Privacy> Location Services) and regular restart the iPad or iPhone. Also, turn off Bluetooth, 3G and Wi-Fi when not in use. For the security with a suitable charger. And then of course prefer a multiple USB inputs, so you can charge more. Devices simultaneously Also read our article on longer battery life on v acation.

Mobile cinema

earbuds Kids back? Who often enjoy themselves with a good movie. Who is not in his head has such beautiful videoschermp, makes just one of his own iPad. At most electronics stores today are universal headrest holders for sale and otherwise the internet offers a solution. Manufacturers of such containers include Brodit, Griffin and birds. Do you prefer to not suffer from the movie? Take it some earbuds or headphones at the children. We wrote earlier about five apps to keep during long car trips.

the kids busy

Reader Dots Flieps

missed, the app Tango Remote. It allows you a video playlist on your iPad operate with your iPhone! So children in the back with the iPad and you can make a short film from the front seat. Unescorted access to the iPad and the little ones can not watch movie apart. You do not have all the time to turn to the iPad to operate. Works over Bluetooth. Note: this app has not been tested by iCulture or the author of this article


For internet junk

Although prices for mobile internet abroad have fallen (by some providers of 5 per MB to 55 cents per MB), can use the internet in the car still nice to walk. the costs considerably by European legislation Who really can not do without internet, stops on the other side of the border to purchase. Telecom shop at a local prepaid SIM card No 3G module in the iPad? Then purchase a mobile hotspot or use the personal hotspot feature of the iPhone. Go to Settings and uncheck the option Personal hotspot. The mobile Internet of the iPhone is now shared, and therefore compatible with all other devices with Wi-Fi support. We also have a catalog with prices for internet abroad per provider. Data Roaming can also just turn off completely.

Consider your device

Ready to take by car the journey? Remember or that it is not only important that you survive the ride itself, but also think the ‘welfare’ of your device. Check before you leave the luggage cover your travel insurance: insurers use maximum amounts to be paid in case of damage or loss. Care during a long and hot ride also that you device is not in the sun too long. Heat is detrimental to the life of your battery. We wrote earlier about the effects of temperature on your iPhone and iPad.

iOS iPhone in the Car

Future Music: iOS in the car

From 2014, a dozen manufacturers make cars more closely work with devices from Apple. iOS in the Car gives motorists the ability to call via the onboard computer. important and frequently used functions of their iPhone Features supported include call, play music and calling Apple Maps. Additionally Siri read received messages in iMessage for, and the acclaimed voice recognition software also can record and send a reply.

Text: Nick Kivits

This article is part of the iCulture Holiday Special, a series of articles on all aspects around the holidays.

Photo: Indigo Valley / Flickr Creative Commons