Summary: Kobo is known for its e-readers, but his 10 Arc HD tablet surprised friend and foe at IFA 2013 with a hi-res screen and interesting price tag. ‘
You must be pretty good look at the state of Kobo at IFA. Somewhere in a small hall, a small area, it has already established its e-readers and tablets. Ntje struck me immediately:. Arc HD 10
Many pixels
The Battle of the high resolution screens at IFA 2013 seems a high flight. Presented the new Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 with a hi-resdisplay, and Arc HD 10 is the Note close on the heels.
sharp 2560 x 1600 image resolution (300 PPI) looks nice, though I did notice that the brightness could not be raised very high. So wait if you can see to read a book or watch.
movie out enoughThe back has a rubbery texture, with an additional angle making it remarkably thicker. Perhaps this is due to a large battery, but no one at Kobo could report me the exact capacity. He is quite heavy and the back corner he is not always comfortable in the hand. At the back are the top two speakers confirmed that sound pretty powerful.
beating heart of Nvidia
hi-res screen need not to change. absurdity in a faltering a fast processor Kobo has previously knocked on Nvidia Tegra 4 and inherited. Despite the fast 1.8 GHz quad-core processor, the Android skin of Kobo feels relatively “heavy” to. Hopefully still tinkering here, because the launch is planned for October.
course you can read on this tablet great books with specific preloaded apps. The store contains a number of Dutch books, but I can hardly speak of a complete range. Combine it with Google Play Books to enjoy.
a wider choice Competitive Price
A high resolution screen, Tegra 4 chip and a beautiful finish, but still a good price? The Kobo Arc HD costs 10 379 euros for the 16 GB version. It is available in October. An exact release date will be announced soon.
Galaxy Note 10.1 may all software gadgets from Samsung and the marketing machine behind them, but this 10 Arc HD is certainly not stand a chance.
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