The next generation iPad is coming and talking about two weeks, on Tuesday October 22. That says the usually well-informed AllThingsD tonight. The site is based on sources “close to Apple. In addition to a fifth-generation iPad and a second generation iPad mini will probably the new Mac Pro and OS X Mavericks to bid on the media event that would have on that day.
Apple planned
generally assumed that the fifth generation appearance of the iPad mini will take over. At the same time the message that the iPad the latest 64-bit A7 chip and fingerprint scanner iPhone 5s get today. Appeared yet The iPad mini gets a processor upgrade rumored. Or the little scion of the iPad family also gets a retina screen seems less certain. About sources contradict each other. However, it is expected that the stocks for the new mini to be low in 2014.
Mac users meanwhile hoping to get over the outcome of OS X Mavericks more clarity. Since the Golden Master of the next version of OS X is now spread among developers, it is possible that Apple releases Mavericks on the day of the event. It is also likely that there is more clarity about the date when the new Mac Pro comes available. More than a promise that the new flagship of the Mac family in autumn will come Apple has so far not released.
Finally, there is a chance that it will be an update. the Apple TV presented yet In the reports of AllThingsD is not mention here but recent rumors predicted an update of Apple’s television set-top box October.
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