Friday, October 4, 2013

Three apps that should not be missing on your Android tablet # 19 - Tablets Magazine

applications course gives you only the most out of your Android tablet, so we bring you weekly the best, most interesting, best and most useful apps that absolutely must not be missed on your Android tablet. This time include an app to discover.

new music

Bacon Reader

I’m a fan of Reddit. This website provides my daily portion online. Unfortunately, there is no app for Android Reddit, but Bacon Reader is a very good alternative. Definitely on the tablet this app works very fine. The two columns you can easily scroll through the content and images, and view comments. Highly recommended if you want to be with fresh content from the web.


Bacon Reader you can use for free, but for the price of a pack of bacon you can use the app without ads.


SoundHound you can easily identify music with your tablet. You can compare it with the more familiar Shazam. But SoundHound looks very very cool on your Android tablet.

top left is the large button that you can press to recognize. music The rest of the app is arranged so that you can easily discover new music. So you can see what songs “hot” at this time. Below you can see the songs by other SoundHound users are discovered. A nice song found? Then you can directly buy it from the app or play on Spotify.

There is both a free and a paid version of SoundHound in the Play Store.


Another alternative Evernote and Microsoft OneNote : Springpad. Springpad is a digital scrapbook for everything. Notes to photos, recipes and music. You can dream up.

The layout for the Android tablet has completely changed and it works very fine. One reason to prefer the apps mentioned above Springpad is the visual aspect. Additionally Springpad has some nice integrations. With Netflix for example. In Springpad you can create a list of the movies that you want to see and when these films are available on Netflix here you get a notification. Very handy!

Springpad can be downloaded for free in the Play Store.

What apps do you use?

Do you have any apps you use every day and really should not be left on an Android tablet? I love to read about it in the comments, then I take them for next time.

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