Saturday, February 1, 2014

Launch Center Pro now available for the iPad - Tablets Magazine

This week, after a long wait finally the iPad version of Launch Center Pro in the App Store. The original Launch Center Pro, which was only available for the iPhone was the founder of a new category of applications: automation. Launch Center Pro is an app that serves as a second home screen.

Launch Center Pro & URL schemes

You can open apps with it, but a lot more convenient function of Launch Center Pro is to use URL schemes for the app. URL schemes (also called actions) are BuyNow that certain applications can be opened, and even some sections within the app. So I switch a lot between two accounts in my Twitter app. This in itself is not cost so much time, but if you do it several times a day is irritating. With a simple URL scheme I can now automatically open with Launch Center Pro my Twitter app and exchange account, and for that I have to tap it once. On screen This saves me so much time.


The newly launched iPad version is exactly the same as the iPhone version, only the appearance is different. The iPhone version had a grid of 3 × 5, the iPad version 5 × 4. A small disadvantage is that you do not like an action can precisely place. In the center of the screen with the iPhone version

New Features

The new version of Launch Center Pro is simultaneously released an update to the iPhone version. In this new version, you can move easily between different groups of actions, there is support for VoiceOver and actions within groups can open with two fingers.


If you already made use of Launch Center Pro for iPhone lets you synchronize your earlier actions by activating the iPad. backup settings in the iPhone app Dropbox Next open Launch Center Pro for iPad and put the backed-up back.

The iPad version of Launch Center Pro is the occasion of the launch temporarily available for € 4.49 in the App Store. This might be quite a lot for an app, but you will save a lot of time with it.

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