Wednesday, December 24, 2014

How ‘simple’ iPad apps have great impact – Tablets Magazine

Business iPad apps are plentiful and with the updates and upgrades of hardware and iOS developers, including business apps, able to increasingly sophisticated tasks to commission apps. That’s good because we would still be able to do our work as smarter. But this development also has a downside. We sometimes forget that the combination of the most basic tablet (iPad) capabilities with the essential business information already can provide a lot of profit. A good example is the app Docs2Go of the Dutch company ProClass.

Global problem

To understand both the simplicity and the impact of this app, it is convenient to get to what business and business going. Every self-respecting company has documentation. That can be very simple, such as those of copiers and printers, but also the technical documentation can be the core of a company that runs on technical installations. Think of the big global players in oil, gas and (petro) chemical industry but also to infrastructure. In practice, companies struggle with the updating of their technical documentation.

The risks and costs of any arrears walk quickly, if only because organizations are required to have this documentation up to date because of all kinds of safety rules. ProClass is first to digitize technical documentation of customers and maintain an online Document Management System ProDocs which all updates are done. That all documentation was up to date, and could quickly appropriate documentation be found by integrating the Google Search Algorithms. But how can a technician on site now quickly find the right documentation that comes with the proper installation? And there comes the tablet, in this case the iPad screen and the app Docs2Go .

GPS in action

Of course, a mobile technician with an iPad, if this documentation can be accessed via an online connection. But would not it be smarter by making use of what the iPad has already onboard technique? That was step into the built-in GPS of the iPad. As well once all documents are geographically allocated to installations in the app. The app, using the GPS of the iPad, know exactly where the technician is at that moment. And then shows the proper documentation on the basis of this information in the “location that ‘read’ that installation ‘belongs. But also from anywhere in the world can call a technician to the documentation for each location and the view.

How does the app?

By linking location-specific information on documents in ProDocs, the aforementioned Document Management System, these documents are available at Docs2Go . After starting Docs2Go searches the system based on the current GPS coordinates on which location you are. The moment you select the card, Docs2Go opens the graphical map (use is made of ESRI cards).

If the location technical documents are available, they will be automatically selected and displayed on the map . Using a scroll bar = you can change the search radius around the location to vary the selection of documents. Naturally you can manually select a specific location without you find yourself in that location. This allows you to view all the documents from the office you are going to need on location.

The graphics card can also contain specific graphic layers based on a link with a Geographic Information System (GIS). Think of diverse sources that manage information in GIS such as track information, aerial photos, pipelines and cables. But also customer-specific information can be as graphically on screen. This allows client systems (own DMS system, databases, including network drives) simply be linked and the user object by all the information together. Apart from the actual source!

Should be located in a building services systems at multiple levels, it is possible to Docs2Go to be organized in which you can select the various floors of the building and viewing. The selected floor can you zoom in on a particular installation. After selecting the particular installation is the associated documentation visible.


You can create a by clicking the selected documents and thus quickly determine in a preview window whether it is the right document. So you avoid unnecessary data usage by downloading unnecessary documents. Then you can open the file to view or edit a PDF editor. Using the PDF editor, changes (called Red / Blue revision) are made. After saving these changes, the observed PDF file stored on the ProDocs portal and is the source file for the latest updated through automatic notification to the back office. After adjustments to these documents are automatically read by ProDocs and as view file available again in ProDocs and Docs2Go. Thus, the final version of the document is always available Docs2Go.

What if there is no or temporarily no data traffic is possible via WiFi or 3G / 4G? You can select any location with traffic and download the required documents to the iPad where they are offline. Once again traffic is possible, there is a frequent update of the files instead stored on the iPad. . Thus automatically be anywhere the latest versions of the documents


In a technically complex industry is the tablet, in this case the iPad, what to do: run smoothly work smarter . Not only by the latest technology, but also by the simple combination of GPS and online content. The impact of simplicity, with the tablet.


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