Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Review: Paperfold makes emails on iPad visually – iculture

paperfold icon Paperfold A new mailapp for the iPad that reading e-mails will create more fun and engaging. The emphasis is placed less on productivity or enhanced features, but on usability and appearance. Before installing Paperfold it is good to realize that this mailapp works with only one account. Fortunately, you do have choice: Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, and IMAP are all supported

Paperfold:. 8 compartments

Paperfold inbox After entering your login details, an overview of your inbox. There are eight boxes on the screen with the most recent posts. In this way, used the entire screen of the iPad. Each mail has an icon that indicates the status or sender of the message. Accordingly, a red check mark that e-mail is not read and will appear after opening a green checkmark. Mails sent from social networks like Facebook or Twitter, feature its logo.

Visual more results

In addition to a clear overview puts Paperfold emails as visual as possible down. Videos can be played from a mail directly in the app. That includes images and links. Thus, it becomes possible to browse without leaving your inbox. In addition, attention is paid to the animations, such as when browsing email. With a simple swipe motion page as it is the true fold, and a new list of messages is displayed.

Conclusion Paperfold review

Paperfold fold animation Paperfold No extended mailapp, but it does need a simple, uncluttered and visually appealing way. Unfortunately it is not yet possible to use the app with multiple email accounts and lasts opening folders or retrieving e-mails sometimes very long. Finally, it is good to know that the app strictly deal with privacy and does not share any personal information or store.

Paperfold is free to download for the iPad.


  • Visually attractive animations
  • Clear the use of blocks and colors


  • Long loading time
  • Suitable for only one email account





iOS 7.0 or newer


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