Thursday, November 14, 2013

Use tablet in European aircraft during all flight Allowed - Tablets Magazine

After last month the U.S. aviation organization FAA announced that can be used as gadgets tablets during the entire flight is the European organization EASA this week that the rules are relaxed in Europe.

end of this month the EASA presents the new rules for the use of electronics in aircraft, but the organization let all know to follow. the new FAA After applying the new rules is thus allowed to use during takeoff and landing. Tablet you throughout the flight At present, the rule applies even gadgets that may be.

enabled only above a height of 3,000 meters

However, there are also the new rules restrict the use of tablets and smartphones in the aircraft. For example, the appliances are temporarily put in airplane mode so that it can be. No connection to a mobile phone network made In time, however, there must also change in the future because the European Commission has determined that airlines may begin offering 3G and 4G connections in aircraft. Using wifi on board aircraft is already being used by some companies.


be laptops and other large electronic devices because the format is still stored. It is through the varied range of tablets, convertibles and hybrid devices therefore not clear where exactly the line is drawn. In addition, the airline these rules themselves even stronger.

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